API | Description |
POST api/InvoiceSearchApi/ByEsrInformation |
Get invoice information by ESR information. |
GET api/InvoiceSearchApi/ByNumber/{number} |
Get invoice data by it's voucher number |
Download reports
API | Description |
POST api/ReportApi/InvoiceJournal |
Invoice journal (Fakturajournal) report (JSON/XML). |
POST api/ReportApi/CreditNoteJournal |
Credit note journal (Gutschriftsjournal) report (JSON/XML). |
POST api/ReportApi/OpenList |
Open list (Offene Posten) report (JSON/XML). |
POST api/ReportApi/OpenPrePayments |
Open pre payments (Offene Vorauszahlung) report (JSON/XML). |
POST api/ReportApi/PaymentJournal |
Payment journal (Zahlungsjournal) report (JSON/XML). |
POST api/ReportApi/InvoiceJournal/Download |
Download invoice journal (Fakturajournal) as CSV file stream. |
POST api/ReportApi/CreditNoteJournal/Download |
Download credit note journal (Gutschriftsjournal) as CSV file stream. |
POST api/ReportApi/OpenList/Download |
Download open list (Offene Posten) as CSV file stream. |
POST api/ReportApi/OpenPrePayments/Download |
Download open pre payments (Offene Vorauszahlung) as CSV file stream. |
POST api/ReportApi/PaymentJournal/Download |
Download open payment journal (Zahlungsjournal) as CSV file stream. |
API | Description |
POST api/ReversalApi/Reversal |
Reversal of invoice. Creates a credit note. (Storno) |
POST api/ReversalApi/ReversalLinesInformation |
Get reversal information for position-wise reversal of invoices. |
POST api/ReversalApi/PartialReversal |
Partial reversal, position-wise |
POST api/ReversalApi/AmountReversal |
Reversal using any amount. |
POST api/ReversalApi/PartialPaidReversalAmount |
Get the reversal amount of a partially paid invoice. |
API | Description |
POST api/PrePaymentApi/CreateNumber |
Create new prepayment, returns new prepayment number. |
Create rate vouchers.
API | Description |
POST api/RateVoucherApi/CreateNumber |
Create new rate voucher, returns new voucher number. |
Create invoices and reverse vouchers.
API | Description |
POST api/InvoiceApi/CreateNumber |
Create new invoice, returns new invoice number. |
POST api/InvoiceApi/EsrInformation?invoiceNumber={invoiceNumber} |
Get esr information |
POST api/InvoiceApi/DownloadPdf |
Download invoice pdf using either voucher number or order number |